
Tropicana Casino to Settle Bias Claims

Bloomberg News

Tropicana Hotel & Casino in Atlantic City, N.J., a unit of Aztar Corp., agreed to pay $75,000 to settle claims of workplace discrimination, the Justice Department said.

A government investigation found the company required noncitizens to produce documents issued by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, something Congress banned in 1990, the department said.

The special counsel in charge of immigration-related unfair employment practices will educate and train Tropicana human resources personnel, the government said. It will monitor the company for two years, the Justice Department said.


“We want to make sure all companies have the tools and knowledge they need so that fair hiring practices prevail,” said Special Counsel John Trasvina.

Shares of Aztar, a Phoenix-based operator of casinos in New Jersey, Nevada, Indiana and Missouri, rose 8 cents to $15 on the NYSE.
