
A Wall to Separate Israelis, Palestinians


Re “Build a Berlin Wall in the Middle East,” Commentary, Aug. 14. A good idea from Graham Fuller, who seems to clearly recognize that 34 years of a brutal, illegal and immoral occupation will require time to heal before Palestinians can forgive the deaths, humiliations and maimings perpetrated by Israel. The wall (separation) will work, but only if the Palestinians have what U.N. Resolutions 242 and 338 mandate. All of the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem represents the Palestinian state that will allow Palestinians to live like human beings. We Americans should recognize that Palestinians are doing no less than what we would be doing were we occupied and treated the way they are treated daily.

Michael Hamud

El Monte


Re “Bombs, Bullets and PR,” editorial, Aug. 14: You write as if the Camp David summit did not occur. Yasser Arafat was offered 96% of the disputed territories and parts of Jerusalem, certainly a “readiness to abandon maximalist demands.” Arafat’s response--war. I think it is time for you to point your editorial finger at the real source of the conflict, Arafat’s inability to “abandon (his) maximalist demand.”


Glenn Roeder

Los Angeles
