
Jive’s Talk


Every time I hear politicians condemn the entertainment industry for its lack of morality I roll my eyes at their self-righteousness. But Jive Records President Barry Weiss’ comments (“That Awkward Phase,” by Jeff Leeds, Dec. 2) gave me pause: “The beauty of what has happened with these pop artists is they’ve gotten kids into buying CDs and concert tickets earlier than they had heretofore.” Is he joking, or just so driven by commerce and greed that he can’t see the absurdity of his comment? He also says, “The fact that there are 5-year-old kids going to these shows tells you something. I don’t think kids that age would have known what a CD or a concert ticket was 10 years ago....I think that’s a fantastic thing.”

Fantastic? Really? I would venture that many of us who have nothing to gain economically from 5-year-olds buying CDs have a somewhat different opinion.


Santa Monica
