
Sept. 11 Fund Draws O.C. Donations of $3.7 Million


Orange County residents contributed $3.7 million to the United Way Sept. 11 Fund, agency officials said Thursday.

That figure is about 1% of the more than $340 million raised across the nation.

According to the latest census figures, Orange County’s population of 2.8 million also represents about 1% of the nation’s population.

By Dec. 31, United Way will have distributed $143 million from the Sept. 11 Fund to compensate for losses from the terrorist attacks on that date. Of that total, $130 million represents grants for cash assistance and services for victims and families. The rest will support community organizations and rescue and recovery efforts.


The United Way also announced a program for $75 million in immediate cash assistance to help those who were injured, lost loved ones or lost their homes or jobs as a result of the Sept. 11 tragedy.

A statewide survey found that the 413 nonprofit agencies providing “safety net” services in California saw an estimated $25 million in donations--a 5% to 10% decline since Sept. 11. Donations to Sept. 11-related causes are believed to have contributed to a drop in donations for other purposes.

In a survey of California nonprofit groups, 60% of the agencies said demand for their services had increased 20% to 40% since Sept. 11, partly because of the economic downturn hastened by the attacks. Since the attacks, United Way reports that calls for emergency assistance such as food, rent and utilities have almost tripled in Orange County.

Surveys show that there are 400,000 people at risk of going hungry each month in Orange County, and 20,000 homeless individuals and families, but only 2,200 emergency and transitional shelter beds.
