
Something Americans Love From Liverpool


I was very interested to read your butterscotch article (“Butterscotch,” Nov. 28), particularly in relation to the quote from Laura Mason’s book about Everton toffee. As a born and bred Liverpudlian, I can tell you that this sweet (candy, to you!) is still made in Liverpool, having been invented in the 1750s by Mother Noblett. She is, today, remembered as a mascot of Everton Football Club, and her “reincarnation” is often seen at home games tossing Everton toffees to the crowd. I remember as a child in the 1940s that her cottage still existed, though derelict, on the hillside in Everton. It’s great to know that people across the “Big Pond” have fond memories of butterscotch too.


Liverpool, England


Cheers for the Annual Family Breakfast Club

Thank you or your splendid story detailing traditional Christmas morning celebrations in your family (“The Breakfast Club,” Dec. 16), complete with a very familiar recipe for “Wesson Oil Coffeecake.” Thank you for sharing with everyone your colorful, generous, family members and all their vivid experiences. It triggered memories of my own childhood Christmas mornings in South Pasadena, sans the 150 invited guests!


Rancho Palos Verdes


What a beautiful and poignant last paragraph in your story titled “The Breakfast Club.” I enjoyed reading about Aunt Kate and the stuttering parrot and the rest of the family traditions. Then I read about the Mom having Alzheimer’s--what a beautiful tribute to a generous family.



Yorba Linda
