
Traffic Concerns


Your article, “Group Will Push to See Valley Gets Transit Funds,” Feb. 16, should raise concern among those of us who sincerely want to solve our mounting traffic problem.

Local activists, dead set against any traffic improvement projects, will use Washington Mutual’s contribution involvement to demonize VICA’s [Valley Industry and Commerce Assn.] efforts.

Those who commute to work, whether by bus or in a private vehicle, spend as much as 20% of their waking hours going to and from work. We must expect NIMBYs to raise opposition in spite of the statistics showing tremendous losses of productivity and waste of fuel associated with morning and evening rush-hour traffic delays.


VICA needs to heed the lessons of overdue local airport improvement projects, which have been held up by local politicians more interested in currying favor with vocal homeowners’ groups than solving the region’s critical transportation crisis.

VICA needs to be as aggressive in selling the need for new transportation projects as it is in pursuing public transportation dollars. Otherwise, the NIMBYs will stop all progress and nothing will be done to ease the region’s traffic congestion.


West Hills
