
Section of Mason Will Be Opened


Dear Traffic Talk:

When is the city going to open Mason Avenue between Nordhoff and Plummer streets to traffic? This portion of Mason crossing railroad tracks in Chatsworth is closed to vehicles.

I’m concerned because a new county Superior Court building will be completed in the spring on nearby Penfield Avenue. Traffic in the area will become more congested if this portion of Mason isn’t opened to traffic. Can you give me some input?

George Parigian


Dear George:

Crews are to begin connecting these two portions of Mason in July, said Masih Hashemi, a project manager at the city department of public works’ bureau of engineering.


Workers will install crossing arms with specialized signals at the railroad tracks, a gutter and sidewalks, Hashemi said. Construction should take about nine months.

The Los Angeles City Council and other government agencies had approved connecting these two dead-end segments of Mason as a way to ease north-south traffic flow in the Valley. Officials estimate the courthouse at 9425 Penfield Ave., near Winnetka Avenue and Prairie Street, will get about 500,000 visitors each year. Traffic will probably increase on Prairie, which motorists must use to reach the courthouse’s only public entrance, on Penfield, officials said.

An emergency entrance for firefighters will be built on Plummer Street.

Dear Traffic Talk:

Can speed-limit reminders be installed in an alley that runs between Winnetka Avenue and Oso Avenue, just north of Sherman Way in Winnetka? Drivers race along here.

Mary Black


Dear Mary:

The city department of transportation does not install speed-limit signs in alleys, said Ken Firoozmand, the department’s West Valley District Engineer.

Drivers are responsible for knowing that, according to the state vehicle code, the speed limit in alleys is 15 mph, Firoozmand said. Erecting speed-limit signs in all city alleys would be redundant and impractical, he said.


Traffic Talk appears Fridays in The Times Valley Edition. Readers may submit comments and questions about traffic in the Valley to Traffic Talk, Los Angeles Times, 20000 Prairie St., Chatsworth 91311. Include your name, address and phone number. Letters may be edited, and no anonymous letters will be accepted. Fax letters to (818) 772-3385. E-mail questions to
