
Senior Lead Officers


Senior lead officers have not been reinstated yet. Don’t call your SLOs and expect them to be able to respond to your needs--yet. They cannot.

The Senior Lead Officer Program Restoration and Enhancement Proposal was approved Oct. 24, 2000, by the Police Commission. The proposal, written by LAPD management, is half-baked at best with shady wording that will not allow SLOs to be as effective as they were before. Both the community’s input and the strong recommendations made by the Rampart Independent Review Panel for this proposal were disregarded.

Crime is up. Neighborhood Watch involvement is significantly down. Chief [Bernard] Parks . . . has succeeded in taking the heart and soul out of the LAPD and has replaced it with devastated morale, paper pushing and micro-management. Officers are retiring earlier than expected or leaving for other departments where their talent, passion and personality are appreciated.


We will pressure the next mayor to order a more effective reinstatement of the SLOs. We will ask mayoral candidates who they will appoint as the next chief of police. We will ask who they will appoint to the Police Commission. Voting for a mayor is a package deal. We want to know what is in that package.


Co-Chair, Save Our

Senior Leads

Valley Village
