
Students Transferred


Re “School to Transfer 4 Who Heard Threats,” March 9: The friends of Andy Williams will not be allowed back at Santana High School in Santee. The media have stated that these friends did what they could; they searched Williams and confronted him regarding his threats. Williams’ friends are teenagers. Teenagers do not have the necessary skills to assess a situation with a rational method. They have suffered enough. Let them return to school. Even adults do not report threats or take action.

Until parents keep guns out of their homes, these incidents will happen. America has many angry young adults. It is time to get the families of America back as a family unit and to teach tolerance and acceptance to their children well before they are in their teens.




By all means, keep putting pictures of the latest schoolyard killer on the front page. Let every unhappy kid in America know there is one easy, sure way to be famous.



Newport Beach


It is a sign of our times that out of six letters (March 9) regarding the Santee shooting, not a single one blamed the shooter. They blamed the victims, his schoolmates, his parents, even the gun. One writer referred to Williams as “this poor kid.” Personal responsibility never even enters the equation. Bizarre, but indicative of the liberal mind-set that prevails today.


Santa Monica
