
They’d Line Up for ...

Compiled by the Calendar staff

What movies--or kinds of movies--are people looking for this unusual holiday season? We asked around.

* Elton John (singer): In a terrible year for movies (with the exception of “Memento,” “The Others” and “Moulin Rouge”), it’s great to see some quality films coming. My personal pick: “A Beautiful Mind” with Russell Crowe is probably Oscar-bound. Runner up: “Lord of the Rings.”

* Shawn Green (Dodgers right fielder): I look for a good character drama, like “The Shawshank Redemption” or “Forrest Gump,” or the other end of the spectrum--slapstick comedy.


* Barbra Streisand (singer, actress, director): I want to see films that inspire, films about the capacity and generosity of the human spirit, films that emphasize the good in us. And films that put a little laughter back into your life.

* Steven Spielberg (director): “Harry Potter,” “Harry Potter” and “Harry Potter.”

* Scott McGehee and David Siegel (writers, producers, directors of “The Deep End”): We are probably looking forward to the same movies by great directors that everyone else is: “Ocean’s Eleven,” “The Royal Tenenbaums.” We do notice that we seem to have lost a tolerance for a certain kind of macho drama. Intelligent movies by or about sensible women seem like an especially good idea right now.

* Frankie Muniz (actor, TV’s “Malcolm in the Middle”): I’m dying to see “Ali.” Will Smith is amazing!

* Allison Anders (director, “Gas Food Lodging,” “Things Behind the Sun”): I look forward to anything that doesn’t have a skinny actress or pretty boy actor in a fat suit! The whining defenses of their insensitive choices are just too painful too bear!

* John Goodman (actor, “Monsters, Inc.,” “My First Mister”): “Lantana.” I love the genre, and I was just in Australia [where it takes place] and it would be nice to revisit the scenery.

* Paul LoDuca (Dodgers catcher): [I’m a] bang-bang shoot-em-up or total comedy kind of guy. [I’m interested in] “Monsters, Inc.” and “K-PAX.”


* Lili Fini Zanuck (producer, “Driving Miss Daisy,” and director, “Rush”): I’m very interested in “A Beautiful Mind.” I want to see what Ron Howard has done with it and how Russell Crowe has pulled off a very difficult role. I’m looking forward to “Ali” because I’m a huge fan of Michael Mann’s. If it wasn’t a Michael Mann movie, I’m not sure it would be as interesting to me.

* Shannon Elizabeth (actress, “American Pie 2,” “Thirteen Ghosts”): “Ocean’s Eleven.” [Steven] Soderbergh made such great films last year and has compiled the most amazing cast.

* Djimon Hounsou (African-born actor, “Gladiator,” the upcoming “Four Feathers”): “Ali.” [Muhammad Ali] stands for so much more than being a boxer. In Africa, anything we know about African Americans comes through Muhammad Ali. Given the nature of Ali’s legacy and Will Smith, who is the best possible person to play him, the combination I think will be beautiful. I also want to see “Lord of the Rings.” It would be a nice escape from the daily drama of today’s America.

* Terry Zwigoff (director, “Ghost World”): I’d like to see “Mulholland Dr.” again ... and “The Man Who Wasn’t There.” I thought they were both terrific. I rarely go to a movie theater anymore because there’s just not many films that look watchable to me--usually just the same dumbed-down crap for the lowest demographic on the marketing department’s radar. I also don’t relish the present-day cineplex experience. Shoulder to shoulder with the backward-baseball cap-wearing mall people, having to endure their idiotic opinions as they ooh and aah the slick coming attractions. I’d rather stay home and watch “The Asphalt Jungle” 50 more times.


Howie Dorough (singer, Backstreet Boys): I’m most looking forward to “Ali” with Will Smith and “Black Knight” with Martin Lawrence. Ali is an incredible person and I think this will be a great story.


Lauren Graham (actress, TV’s “The Gilmore Girls”): “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.” I really want one of those burgundy and yellow scarves. I hear they’re all the rage in London.



Todd Field (director, “In the Bedroom,” and actor, “Eyes Wide Shut”): I am looking forward to seeing Iranian filmmaker Majid Majidi’s new film “Baran.” I’ve seen it once before at a film festival, and am eager to share it with my friends and family.


Lasse Hallstrom (director, “Chocolat,” “The Shipping News”): I want to see anything that will provide an escapist experience. One of my children already saw “Monsters, Inc.,” so it comes highly recommended!


James Mangold (co-writer-director, “Girl, Interrupted,” “Kate & Leopold”): Writer-director Cameron Crowe (“Vanilla Sky”) is high on my list and so is David Mamet’s “Heist,” starring Gene Hackman, acting god. Speaking of Mr. Hackman, he’s in another film I’m anxious to see, writer-director Wes Anderson’s “The Royal Tenenbaums.” Also Peter Jackson’s “Lord of the Rings” and Michael Mann’s “Ali” because my holiday viewing wouldn’t be complete without something muscular and wildly ambitious.
