
Segerstroms Have Been Generous to Schools


Re “Grappling with the Segerstroms, Costa Mesa and the Land of the Fee,” Aug. 29:

Dana Parsons quoted a citizen: “Funny, the Segerstroms have never been known to be big donors to the schools before.” My experience teaches otherwise.

As a private citizen, I have been involved with a 22-year-old program that has recognized outstanding students at three Costa Mesa secondary schools and two institutions of higher education. Over that period, C.J. Segerstrom and Sons has contributed money to help that effort.

Further, that firm has provided scholarships at Estancia High. But more significant, the Segerstroms made a huge donation to the committee to pass the Newport-Mesa Unified School District’s $110-million school bond issue a year and a half ago. All the while, they knew that their Costa Mesa properties would take a big property tax hit. From my service on that committee, my understanding is that the Segerstroms accepted our position that “as schools go, so goes the community.”


I also tutor at a nonprofit learning center for failing seventh-and eighth-graders at Mesa High. Our budget next year will be $115,000 for 25 to 40 students.

The challenges facing students in Costa Mesa today will not be met with small change. Volunteer programs to aid schools cost bucks. Interest earnings on $2 million will not help all those in need.

Henry S. Panian

Costa Mesa
