
Secret Court for Intelligence Searches


Re “A Shot Across the Bow From the Darkness,” Commentary, Aug. 26: Reading Jonathan Turley’s article on the secret court, I wonder why every American citizen isn’t outraged by the existence of that court. And why isn’t every member of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives outraged by the existence of that court and its misuse by our current attorney general?

And why isn’t every media outlet expressing outrage at the false applications for secret searches submitted to that court by the Justice Department?

And to think that many of us were pleased that the people of Missouri saw fit not to return John Ashcroft to his Senate seat in the last election. Talk about unintended consequences--that Ashcroft should then wind up in a position where even the secret court admonished him and the Justice Department.


Does anyone in the government remember the significance of our Bill of Rights?

Robert Silvers

Palm Springs


Oh, my! Small step by small step, Ashcroft is turning us into the Soviet Union we once so reviled.

Jim Youngs

