
Spitzer Pulled Early Exit Out of Bag of Tricks


Re “Forget the Speculation -- Spitzer Served Well,” Dec. 8:

Leonard Kranser, a strong activist in the effort to stop an El Toro airport, continues to spin his political opinions. It doesn’t surprise me that Kranser is trying to justify the actions of his friend, former Supervisor Todd Spitzer, while maligning opponents Cynthia and Tom Coad.

Spitzer may be a smart and articulate politician, but the decision to vacate his supervisor seat early was certainly not due to any altruistic reasons, as Kranser suggested. It was nothing more than a clever scheme purposely designed to keep Tom Coad from being able to run for Spitzer’s vacated seat. Some call that smart politics, but most of us consider it just a plain dirty trick.

Anna Olson

