
Actress Thora Birch


* The 20-year-old starred in “Ghost World,” for which she received a Golden Globe nomination for best actress in a musical or comedy. She also starred in “American Beauty.”

Strolling: I like people-watching, so I usually walk a lot. I have an office in West Hollywood, which is central to everything I need. I walk to the library on San Vicente or to La Conversation at Doheny and Santa Monica, which is a good place for a meeting. It’s this little European sort-of-wannabe French coffee place, and they’ve got good coffee there, and it’s like a nice little bakery too. Well, if you like that sort of thing. They’ve got the classic European fare like eclairs, scones, pastries, Danishes and lots of fancy and gourmet-ish stuff.

Are You Going to Buy That?: Book Soup on Sunset is definitely my favorite bookstore. I can order or find anything I need there. Sometimes I will go there just to read and not buy anything. There’s just so much information in there that if I have to look something up and I don’t have the perfect desk reference, then I can go and look there. I also have gotten the best photography books from there.


Vegan Pie: I like Real Food Daily on La Cienega. I love their Yin Yang Salad. It comes with tofu, and it’s really good. It’s got that Asian ginger-peanut dressing. I also like their coconut cream pie, which is amazing and totally vegan. You can eradicate the guilt by saying, “Oh, it’s totally vegan. It’s healthy.”

No Longer $2.75: I love the new Laemmle’s Fairfax Cinemas on Beverly and Fairfax. It’s funny in there, because it still feels kind of seedy and low-rent, but it’s got this grandeur to it as well. It’s a very bizarre theater. It’s still pretty red-light. That’s why I like it so much. And the seats aren’t even that comfortable. When I went and saw “Y Tu Mama Tambien” there, the crowd was a lovely mix of Mexicans and single middle-class males.

Close but So Far: I like to walk around the lower hills just west of Doheny looking at the houses and just hoping. I also like walking south of Sunset in the Bundy area. It’s really pretty there. I also like walking on the beach, but I rarely ever get there. It’s weird how you can live so close to the ocean and yet never see it. Though I like the idea of it and when I have to go there I love it. I’m like, “I should come here more often. It’s so lovely.” But I never do.

Euro-Deli: There’s this place called Shoops on Main Street in Santa Monica and it’s this great little European deli and cafe, but their coffee is really good too, and you can find all kinds of different noodles, flour and chocolate. They have everything from Europe that you have ever liked or thought, “Wow. If we only had this in L.A.”
