
Internet Cafes Aren’t to Blame for Violence


Re “Internet Cafes Face Crackdown,” June 11:

Senseless killings can never be excused, but cyber cafes should not be held responsible. Parents should be responsible for their children. Too often, parents abdicate that responsibility, expecting schools and businesses to raise their children.

If kids are violating the curfew, fine the parents instead of putting more controls on businesspeople who are just trying to make a living. Perhaps that would send a message that bearing a child isn’t enough--it’s a parent’s job to teach that child how to live in our society, too.

Sandi Cain

Laguna Beach


Placing the blame for violent acts on Internet cafes is irresponsible. It is obvious that Garden Grove has a gang problem. The Garden Grove City Council would do well to admit this and target the gang members, instead of business owners who are trying to make an honest dollar.


I live in the Santa Clarita Valley, where there are five Internet cafes. These businesses do not have any problems because Santa Clarita doesn’t have a gang problem. Your article and Garden Grove Mayor Bruce Broadwater’s comments give Internet cafes an undeserved black eye. If anything, Internet cafes are beneficial. When youths are sitting at computers playing games for hours on end, they are too busy to be out carousing and causing problems.

Scott Keith

Santa Clarita
