
Tammy Bruce: Brave Soul or Fraud?


What a strong, brave soul Tammy Bruce is (“The Disaffection of Tammy Bruce,” by Fred Dickey, June 2). Her ability to clearly think through issues by applying pure reason is absolutely invaluable, both to women in particular and citizens as a whole. Time after time she has resisted the idiotic “group think” pressures emanating from the left. In fact, the convoluted logic of the left is beginning to sound more and more daft compared to Bruce. She gets my vote. The woman speaks the truth as she sees it, and the powers that be be damned.

Victoria Dennis

Agoura Hills


Bruce is to the gay community what Al Sharpton is to the black community--a huckster and a con artist. When someone who claims to be an individualist rushes to the defense of monsters such as Laura Schlessinger by arguing that economic boycotts are immoral, you know you’ve stumbled across a fraud. Bruce has no interest in advancing the individual rights of gay Americans; her only concern lies in advancing herself. Do we see her on the barricades for gay marriage or gays in the military? No, she is busy shielding the religious right from criticism. So much for an advocate of gay Americans.

Ray Shelton

