
Power to the People in L.A. vs. the NFL


All this posturing by the NFL isn’t fooling anyone. They are desperate to get back in Los Angeles. But they don’t want to set any dangerous precedents about spending their money, and L.A. seems to have made it clear that we aren’t spending our money. So they are between a rock and a hard place and they continue to make all these inane remarks, trying to shift the winds in their favor.

People, we have all the power. It is up to our political leaders to lay it on the line to them that, if they want in, they are going to have to pay, and pay dearly. Any NFL presence in L.A. needs to be preceded by their committing big bucks to the community. Schools, parks, senior citizens, billboard removal and anything else our elected officials feel we need help with. Force the NFL to commit money to our well being. Otherwise, they can’t come in.

We all know they are frantic to put a team here. Make them pay us for the privilege.

Michael Helwig

Canoga Park
