
‘Think Different’? Jobs Even Denies Differently

By a Times Staff Writer

Call it a non-acknowledgment acknowledgment.

Apple Computer Inc. Chief Executive Steve Jobs on Thursday described reports about his company’s interest in acquiring Universal Music Group as “not true.” But then in the next breath he added that “some are true.”

Jobs addressed the issue of a possible purchase, first reported by The Times two weeks ago, in a Q&A; session at Apple’s shareholder meeting in Cupertino, Calif.

After word surfaced about Apple’s discussions with the Vivendi Universal music division, the computer maker issued a statement from Jobs noting that it “has never made” a formal offer “to invest in or acquire a major music company.”


No one ever said it had, so many viewed the statement as a non-denial denial.

On Thursday, though, Jobs took a different approach: “There have been a lot of rumors about a lot of things the last few weeks,” he said, “and all that I can tell you right now is many of them are not true.

“And some of them are true,” he continued, “and I can’t really go into which is which right now.”

Sources say Apple has been talking with Universal about a possible deal since December. On Monday, Apple is set to launch a new online music delivery service.
