
Man Shot by Deputy Is Critical

From a Times Staff Writer

A Los Angeles County Sheriff’s deputy shot and wounded a 26-year-old man after he charged the deputy, ignored orders to stop and pulled an object from his pants, authorities said.

The man was listed in critical condition at a nearby hospital, said Sheriff’s Deputy Richard Pena. The object turned out to be a cellular phone, Pena said.

When the deputy approached about 11 a.m. in the 7500 block of Kenguard Avenue, the man got out of a car, went to the sidewalk and tore off his shirt and began shouting, Pena said. The deputy called for backup to the unincorporated neighborhood near Whittier, Pena said.


The deputy ordered the man to remove his hand from his pocket, but the man refused. Pena said the man then charged the deputy while pulling a “gray object” from his pocket, and was shot several times.
