
Yo, dude -- silence rocks


The Standard Snowboard Show


This highlight session of pro snowboarders is equally pleasing with the mute on. It’s not that the soundtrack behind steeps expert Tom Burt is bland, or that hip-hop isn’t necessarily apropos to Matt Hammer’s aerial gyrations. It’s just that I prefer to see their feats in silence, as they performed them. That way, I don’t have to hear the talented Hammer reminding me, “If you’re not having fun, it’s simply not worth it.” Or learn from the intrepid Burt that he’s “stoked that people like to watch me ride.” All the credit to these guys for breathing mountain air so often. I just don’t need to hear them talk.

Burt and Hammer are depicted as engaging and likable guys who like to clown around, plus they’re awesome at their sport. But they are fed too many lame questions, leading them to utter things such as “definitely one of my most favoritest places.” When are producers going to figure out a few revealing questions to ask these fine athletes?

-- Emmett Berg
