
Democrats’ Message to Lopez: Try Kucinich


Was there any point to Steve Lopez’s Dec. 17 column, “Trouble Getting the Party Started”? In it, Lopez criticized Hollywood liberals for attempting to create a liberal electronic media outlet to counter the right-wing media network, he appropriately criticized many Democratic Party “leaders” for not standing for anything, he stated that front-runner Howard Dean might have been right in saying the capture of Saddam Hussein did not make America safer but at the same time dismissed Dean by stating it did not matter that Dean might have been right.

The only sense I made out of Lopez’s column was that it appeared to be a rant.

Len Chaitin

Van Nuys


Lopez is looking for a Democratic candidate with a clear mission, one who will stand up for the poor and working families getting clobbered by the global corporations.

We’ve got news for you, Steve, Rep. Dennis J. Kucinich of Ohio is that candidate. He strongly identifies with working families, and he has a new vision for America that includes peace and a decent standard of living for all. Check out his website at and get a full picture of his sensible platform.


Ruth and Ted Shapin



President Bush, a risk-taker? (“Bush-Dean Matchup Could Be a Battle of the Risk-Takers,” by William Schneider, Opinion, Dec. 14). How about just being highly arrogant and employing sheer stupidity?

Victoria Grostick

San Luis Obispo
