
Rancho Is a Treasure That’s Worth Preserving

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Re “How to Develop O.C. Land,” (Editorial, Feb. 16):

We must all take a serious look at what little land we have left and make sure the right choices are made so we have something special left to pass on to our children and future generations.

Little land is left in Orange County. Over the last 20 years, we have gone from pristine natural open spaces to massive new communities such as Rancho Santa Margarita and Ladera Ranch. We are left with one last special piece of land, the Rancho Mission Viejo, which is being eyed by developers for 14,000 more houses and all the traffic congestion, pollution and noise that comes with them.

We need to preserve what little land is left, allow development of houses and other facilities where they make the most sense, and preserve our last remaining natural treasures. We must take responsibility for preserving such special lands to preserve the quality of life we would be proud to pass onto our children and future generations.


Linda Clare

Laguna Niguel


I concur that “Orange County must take a serious look at what will result as the last scraps of developable land are filled.”

Irvine Mayor Larry Agran is quick to gloat over the passage of what I consider a fraudulent Measure W and the apparent imminent removal of the irreplaceable practical north-south oriented runway. The FAA could open and operate this runway unrestricted by Measure W and provide taxes and lease payments to build airports and provide profits to the airlines and county general-fund sales taxes. We could have this instead of an extravagant excessive park proposed by voodoo economics.

Charles E. Griffen,


The New Millennium Group
