
‘Reagans’ decision fear-based


Whether or not Ronald Reagan actually said, “They who live in sin shall die in sin” (as depicted in the recently axed CBS television movie), is moot. The former president’s purposeful avoidance of AIDS was shocking in its blatant denial of the truth. This ability to deny reality, particularly reality that might be unpopular to the masses, is something Reagan must have learned in his Hollywood days. It’s obviously a skill perfected by everyone from CBS Chairman Leslie Moonves to entertainer Merv Griffin, who speciously suggest that the film’s cancellation is largely based on the emotional concern for a dying president (“The Vetoing of ‘Reagans,’ ” by Meg James, Greg Braxton and Bob Baker, Nov. 10).

The cancellation of “The Reagans” is based on fear and greed, two evils that rule Hollywood. It’s about ratings, not feelings. Immoral? They who live in sin shall die in sin.

Michael Kearns

Los Angeles


It is fascinating to watch President Reagan’s supporters scramble to defend his presidency (“One Won for the Gipper,” by Reed Johnson, Nov. 12). Any president, great or not, should stand the test of history based on the merits of his administration. Ronald Reagan’s “legacy” surely is strong enough to withstand any misconceptions or even outright lies of a forgettable TV movie. Any hurt feelings should be tempered with the knowledge that movies are not the vehicles for truth.


What is hurtful is President Bush’s refusal to further stem cell research, which may offer the best hope to those afflicted with Alzheimer’s. Perhaps the greatest tribute these supporters could give President Reagan is a tireless effort, including stem cell research, to end this dreaded disease that has robbed this president of so much.

Karen Page



Regarding the article about winning one for the Gipper and its secondary headline, “As CBS quickly found out, some of Reagan’s most ardent defenders and admirers are barely old enough to remember him”: Oh, that explains it.

Carl Alessi

Yorba Linda
