
Lyle Menendez Is Married in Prison Ceremony

From Associated Press

Lyle Menendez, who was convicted with his brother for the 1989 shotgun slayings of their parents, got married Thursday at Mule Creek State Prison near Sacramento.

Menendez, 35, and the bride, identified as 33-year-old Rebecca Sneed of Sacramento, exchanged vows in a prison-approved ceremony, KXTV-TV in Sacramento reported.

About a dozen friends and family members bore witness in a maximum-security visiting area.

Sneed and Menendez have known each other for about 10 years, a prison spokesman said. The newlyweds won’t get too close -- prison regulations prohibit conjugal visits for inmates serving life terms.


Lyle’s younger brother Erik was married in a telephone ceremony at Folsom State Prison in 1997.
