
No mention of Minnette’s

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We read your article on antique shops in the Echo Park area along Sunset Boulevard (“Echoes of the Past,” by Adamo DiGregorio and David A. Keeps, Jan. 15). How could you leave out any mention of Minnette’s Antiques, which has been on the avenue there for over 35 years!

We have shopped there continuously for those years and so have friends from as far away as Santa Barbara and San Diego.

The proprietress has, for most of that time, taken annual trips to Britain and brought back much Victorian and vintage jewelry and similar artifacts which have delighted her many customers.


She is very knowledgeable about all of her treasures and eagerly passes on this information to her customers -- they seek her shop not only for the fair and equitable pricing, but also for the vast cultural history which she brings to her clientele.

Jim and Lois Klain

Van Nuys
