
Irresponsible Politicians Will Not Be Missed

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Re “Speaker Is Praised in Send-Off,” Feb. 3: Good riddance, Herb Wesson (D-Culver City)! Thanks to term limits, we will soon be rid of one of the most irresponsible leaders in our state’s history -- the others being Senate President Pro Tem John Burton (D-San Francisco) and the recalled Gov. Gray Davis. The legacy of this irresponsible trio of politicians is the largest state budget deficit in the history of the nation, undue regulations on businesses (such as paid family leave and mandatory employer-paid health insurance), a workers’ compensation system that is a shambles and one of the nation’s highest state tax burdens on its citizens.

One can only hope the next generation of leaders, beginning with Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, will be successful in repairing the damage done by the last.

David Whitehead

Los Angeles
