
Political Peace Pleases Father of Fire Victim

Times Staff Writer

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger closed his State of the State speech Tuesday by warmly invoking the name of Steven L. Rucker, the 38-year-old firefighter who was killed battling the Cedar wildfire near Julian three months ago.

Schwarzenegger said that, after the funeral service, he had spoken to Rucker’s parents to offer his help. He recounted the conversation:

“His father looked at me for a few seconds,” Schwarzenegger said, “and grief in his eyes, with tears coming down his eyes, he said, ‘Arnold, if you really want to do something in honor of my son, then go to Sacramento and stop the politicians from fighting. Stop them from fighting. They’re hurting our people and destroying our state.’ ”


In an interview after the speech, the father, Darrell Rucker of Fremont, confirmed that the conversation had occurred -- though before the service, not after.

“Those aren’t precisely the words I used, but the intent was carried through,” said Rucker, a lifelong Democrat who voted against recalling Schwarzenegger’s predecessor, Gray Davis. “I think I told him that the Republicans and the Democrats have more animosity today than the North and the South did at the height of the Civil War, and if he wanted to honor my son then he should go straighten things out.”

Rucker’s verdict on the new governor?

“So far, I like what I’ve seen,” said Rucker, who had been alerted by the governor’s staff that the conversation would be mentioned. “I’m very pleased ... with the way he’s trying to work with the Legislature.... I think [my son] would be happy to see that Californians are starting to work together, instead of against each other.”


Times staff writer Peter Nicholas contributed to this report.
