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* Carl Gottlieb was named vice president of the union representing Hollywood movie and TV writers. Gottlieb assumes the post at the Writers Guild of America, West previously held by Daniel Petrie Jr. Petrie took over as president when Charles Holland resigned this month amid questions over the veracity of claims he had made about playing college football and his service in the Army.

* VaxGen Inc., which is developing treatments for dealing with bioterrorism, said its auditor KPMG sent a letter to the board that raised concerns about the way the company accounts for revenue from government contracts.

* RCN Corp., a cable company whose investors include billionaire Paul Allen, may be unable to continue as a viable concern, its auditor PricewaterhouseCoopers said.


* Electronics makers working with Hollywood’s film studios to nail down the standards for the next generation of DVDs said the new “Blu-ray” technology would be delayed until the end of the year.
