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Since 1933, when the Boston Braves were renamed the Redskins, the result of the team’s final home game before the presidential election has always correctly predicted the White House winner. If the Redskins win, the incumbent party wins. If they lose, the incumbent party is ousted. An election-by-election recap, including electoral college voting:

*--* 1936 REDSKINS 13, CHICAGO CARDINALS 10 (Note: Redskins’ last year in Boston) Democrats kept White House as Franklin Roosevelt won reelection over Alf Landon, 523-8. 1940 REDSKINS 37, PITTSBURGH PIRATES 10 Democrats kept White House as Roosevelt won reelection over Wendell Willkie, 449-82. 1944 REDSKINS 14, CLEVELAND RAMS 10 Democrats kept White House as Roosevelt won reelection over Thomas Dewey, 432-99. 1948 REDSKINS 59, BOSTON YANKS 21 Democrats kept White House as Harry Truman defeated Dewey, 303-189. 1952 PITTSBURGH STEELERS 24, REDSKINS 23 Democrats lost White House as Dwight Eisenhower defeated Adlai Stevenson, 442-89. 1956 REDSKINS 20, CLEVELAND BROWNS 9 Republicans kept White House as Eisenhower won reelection over Stevenson, 457-73. 1960 CLEVELAND BROWNS 31, REDSKINS 10 Republicans lost White House as John Kennedy defeated Richard Nixon, 303-219. 1964 REDSKINS 27, CHICAGO BEARS 20 Democrats kept White House as Lyndon Johnson defeated Barry Goldwater, 486-52. 1968 NEW YORK GIANTS 13, REDSKINS 10 Democrats lost White House as Nixon defeated Hubert Humphrey, 301-191. 1972 REDSKINS 24, DALLAS COWBOYS 20 Republicans kept White House as Nixon won reelection over George McGovern, 520-17. 1976 DALLAS COWBOYS 20, REDSKINS 7 Republicans lost White House as Jimmy Carter defeated Gerald Ford, 297-240. 1980 MINNESOTA VIKINGS 39, REDSKINS 14 Democrats lost White House as Ronald Reagan unseated Carter, 489-49. 1984 REDSKINS 27, ATLANTA FALCONS 14 Republicans kept White House as Reagan won reelection over Walter Mondale, 525-13. 1988 REDSKINS 27, NEW ORLEANS SAINTS 24 Republicans kept White House as George Bush defeated Michael Dukakis, 426-111. 1992 NEW YORK GIANTS 24, REDSKINS 7 Republicans lost White House as Bill Clinton unseated Bush, 370-168. 1996 REDSKINS 31, INDIANAPOLIS COLTS 16 Democrats kept White House as Clinton won reelection over Bob Dole, 379-159. 2000 TENNESSEE TITANS 27, REDSKINS 21 Democrats lost White House as George W. Bush defeated Al Gore, 271-266. 2004 GREEN BAY PACKERS 28, REDSKINS 14 The incumbent Bush faces off on the ballot Tuesday against John F. Kerry.

