
Versions of Reality Compete in Campaign


You say (“Paging Bill Clinton,” editorial, Oct. 9) that the presidential contest is ultimately between “two competing versions of reality” -- one “comfortably absolutist,” the other more complex and therefore “less satisfying, even when more accurate.” The measure of reality shouldn’t be whether it’s a “version” simple enough to please us and flatter our ignorance, but whether it’s real.

President Bush’s clearly isn’t -- and the fact that he depends on our accepting his “absolutist” vision without question only shows how little respect he has for the American people. He should be ashamed.

Rebecca Blustein

Los Angeles


Once again Bush must only get Silvio Berlusconi’s name right, or be less faltering, or stabilize himself after his disastrous outing, or more important, elicit more laughs.


According to the editorial, Bush scores points with “his wary insistence that being president is not a popularity contest.” Meanwhile the president winks and mugs for the camera. We deserve better from our president and The Times.

David Greene

San Pedro


I have always favored conservative political ideals and policies that promote free enterprise and individual initiative. I desire to live in a country with limited government intervention and control over my daily life. Under this form of government, there will always be an uneven division of wealth. I believe that everyone has the same opportunities to achieve their goals through planning and hard work.

This is why I am voting for George W. Bush for president over Sen. John Kerry. I’ll admit that I am not pleased with our lengthy involvement in Iraq. However, we have given a strong message to the world that we will not stand by and allow any country or group to invade our homeland or practice and engender terrorist activity without facing serious consequences.

Mike Purling

Santa Barbara
