
Labor Trouble Puts the NHL on Thinner Ice


You think the NHL is losing money now, wait until after this catastrophe is somewhat rectified.

Ask Major League Baseball what happened in 1994 and 1995 when they lost tons of games and the World Series. Have Gary Bettman inquire about the depleted owners’ pockets resulting from the dearth of fans, which produced the ugly aftermath of half-empty stadiums.

The NHL already is handicapped with minuscule television ratings. Nothing like trying to win a financial game like this with a five-on-one power play, which in this case, the fans are at the disadvantage.


Mark J. Featherstone

Windsor Hills


So let me see if I have this straight, regarding the current NHL impasse.

The owners want protection from themselves in the form of a salary cap, because instead of trying to improve the sport (and attract new fans and TV revenue) by increasing scoring, eliminating fighting, widening the rinks, etc., they insist on cost controls to make up for years of overpaying for watered-down talent.

The players do not want to take any responsibility for the future of the game, and are obviously too busy committing senseless acts of stupidity on the ice to see that partnering with the owners has done nothing to hamper the success of MLB, NBA and NFL.

I humbly suggest that the NHL is now an acronym for Nothing Happening Logically.

Donn Watt

