
A life as colorful as his roses


Re “The Giant of Miniatures” [April 21]: The story on rosarian Ralph Moore was wonderful, and I sent a copy to my daughter who is a college senior and has never planted (willingly) a perennial in her life! But, she’ll appreciate his attainments without formal education, his great faith and his cheer about life.

Betsy Trane

Madison, Wis.


Enjoyed the article on Ralph Moore. He is something else. I have noticed that lately you can’t find any miniatures in my favorite garden shops and grocery stores. Your article did not say anything about where to buy the miniature roses or how to get in touch with someone who sells them.

Donald Hallinger


Editor’s note: Ralph Moore’s Sequoia Nursery is at 2519 E. Noble Ave., Visalia; (559) 732-0309; The website has an order form that can be printed, then mailed or faxed back. The Uncommon Rose in Corvallis, Ore., also sells a number of Moore’s roses; you can order by phone, (541) 753-8871, or by Internet,
