
Accountability of CEOs and Boards of Directors

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In “Boardroom Barons” (editorial, April 23), you state: “Boards at some companies are still too reluctant to slam shut the doors to the corporate treasury, especially when it comes to denying exorbitant extra pay to CEOs who have failed to excel.”

You did not suggest, what, if anything, shareholders (the supposed owners of corporate assets) can do to improve the situation.

The basic problem is that directors are essentially unaccountable to the shareholders.

Unless and until shareholders have an effective means to vote errant directors out of office and replace them with candidates of their choice, the problem will continue.


Les Greenberg

Chairman, Committee of

Concerned Shareholders

Culver City


An accurately descriptive editorial but please clarify: The reference to chief executive officers who “took over and started behaving as if they owned the place,” hiring and overseeing managers who “became sycophantic members of the CEO’s entourage” thus becoming “the cult of the celebrity CEOs” with their hired hands (guns) refers to:

A) corporate CEOs;

B) the current U.S. administration;

C) the governor;

D) all of the above.

Donna Sewalk

Mission Viejo
