
Iraq Has Nothing in Common With Nazis

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A letter writer errs when he criticizes Sen. Edward Kennedy’s proposed rules for engagement in Iraq (letters, Jan. 31). He states that the “United States was never directly attacked by the Wehrmacht, just as it was never directly attacked by Iraq,” in an attempt to draw parallels between Iraq and Nazi Germany, and thereby justify George Bush’s illegal invasion. Though it is true that the Wehrmacht never attacked us, it is equally true that it was only a matter of time.

Unlike Iraq, Adolf Hitler publicly declared war on the United States on Dec. 11, 1941. Four days prior, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.

The United States was more than justified in entering the war against Germany. Moreover, Hitler’s war machine was already well on the move throughout Europe, unlike Saddam Hussein’s, whose war capability was decimated by the 1991 Gulf War. If the writer wishes to engage in such comparisons, he’d be far more accurate to compare Germany’s aggression in Europe to the U.S. actions in Iraq.


Lawrence Tonsick

