
Hey, Bud: These Canseco Accusations Are for You

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Commissioner Bud Selig’s comment that he would not read Jose Canseco’s book just shows you how out of touch he is. That is like a CPA telling his clients he doesn’t or won’t read the tax code.

Baseball owners and management are just as responsible for today’s steroid mess as the players -- they’ve been looking the other way for 10 to 15 years, and now, all of a sudden, they have religion.

Based on the contract the Detroit Tigers just gave Magglio Ordonez, perhaps Tiger management should take a drug test.


Bob Kargenian



Before anybody declares Jose Canseco to be a liar, I think that we should look at the circumstantial evidence. Beginning in the mid-1980s, players began hitting home runs at previously unheard of rates. Doesn’t anybody think it odd that Greg Vaughn, Shawn Green, Todd Helton, Brady Anderson, Luis Gonzalez, Jim Thome and Larry Walker hit more home runs in a season than Hank Aaron ever did?

Does anybody honestly think that the skill levels of players jumped that drastically overnight? If you do, then I have a nice bridge in Brooklyn that I would love to sell you.

Craig P. Fagan

San Diego


Every single home run record since at least 1998 is forever tainted. In fact, a truly cynical person would go back as far as 1994 when both Ken Griffey Jr. and Matt Williams had legitimate shots at Maris’ record before the lockout hit.


I don’t care who the player is or where he ranks in major league history; if he played in the “Steroid Era,” his records are tainted. It’s just that simple.

Charles L. Freeman

Los Angeles
