
Domestic Critics’ Eyes Are on Bush in Europe

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Re “Bush Speech Chides Russia,” Feb. 22: I hope President Bush got a hearty laugh when he called on Russia to “renew a commitment to democracy and the rule of law.” Surely his European audience knew that with actions and words, this president has consistently placed himself beyond the reach of both constitutional and international law. This is the administration of Abu Ghraib, Alberto Gonzales and torture flights to Egypt. This is the president who altered two centuries of American policy with an illegal, preemptive war -- no congressional declaration or U.N. approval required.

This White House outed CIA operative Valerie Plame for political reasons (Robert Novak presumably still has a White House press pass), secretly paid more than one journalist to shill its policies and illegally aired propaganda disguised as news about Medicare. There have been no apologies.

Meanwhile, the ruling party continues to claim a mandate. God help any nation that thinks the United States is a role model for democracy.


Dan Brezenoff

Long Beach


In a Feb. 21 speech, Bush said that for peace between Israel and Palestine, “Israel must freeze settlement activity.” This is another example of the wrongheaded thinking that has helped to perpetuate the conflict between Israel and Palestine.

Israel does not need to freeze settlement activity; it needs to reverse it. Israel must give back the land that it illegally occupies, as called for in multiple U.N. declarations. Interestingly, the United States has never felt any need to force Israeli compliance with U.N. mandates despite having used U.N. resolutions as part of the “justification” for the illegal invasion of Iraq.

If there is ever to be peace between Israel and Palestine, we need to recognize the offenses committed by both sides and the legitimate complaints on both sides. We need to end the pro-Israeli bias demonstrated by our politicians and our media.


David Holland



In his Brussels speech before the assembled leadership of the European community, the president stated that a Palestinian state must comprise “contiguous territory,” as “a state of scattered territories will not work.” I am sure that Bush also believes that what is good for the goose is good for the gander. So I was wondering whether he planned to relinquish Alaska to the Canadians or whether he preferred to acquire or conquer British Columbia?

Hershel Ginsburg

