
Jordan’s remarks

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David SHAW seems to err by disingenuousness [“The Blog Squad Can Add Another Notch to Its Belt,” Feb. 20].

Eason Jordan, whose comments at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, were not obscure nor the first he has ever made, directly stated, according to Barney Frank and others, that the U.S. military had deliberately “targeted” journalists. Shaw seems to feel the “blogosphere” was somehow irresponsible in pointing this out, even though the mainstream media had ignored its responsibility in this area.

He also notes that CNN “caved in” to blog pressure very quickly, and he doesn’t infer the fairly obvious implication that they had a very good reason to shut the noise down immediately, since not only were they privy to the truth of the matter but they did not want to have Jordan’s previous questionable journalistic practices open the door to a closer look at CNN’s operation.


Arthur Hippler

Wasilla, Alaska
