
‘Broken Budget’ Should Come as No Surprise


Re “ ‘Broken System’ Budget Unveiled,” Jan. 11: Though I don’t deny that California’s finances are in dire straits and need to be changed, the sacrifices this budget proposed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger entails will be borne almost entirely on the backs of the poor, the old and the helpless, none of whom have the power to lobby for themselves in Sacramento.

Why does “no new taxes” seem to be carved in stone? It’s just that good old Republican mantra. I hope all the vehicle drivers who voted him into office because he would repeal the car tax (and did) are enjoying their savings. Shame on all of them and shame on our governor.

Jo Ann Michetti

Rancho Palos Verdes


As Southern California suffers through yet another natural disaster, Schwarzenegger preens and prances, blusters and bullies, threatening the current and future welfare of health-and-safety workers and transportation workers who are trying to keep people safe and reopen roads.


His new budget does not contain any funding for much-needed transportation initiatives and again uses accounting gimmicks to paper over the deficit. His entire act is starting to grow somewhat tiresome.

Rod Hersberger

Santa Barbara


Re “Consumer Advocates Assail Gov.,” Jan. 8: Now Gov. Schwarzenegger wants to abolish the independent boards that regulate licensed professionals, a move that would, as your article notes, “wrest power away from the Legislature.” This is just the latest power grab by a man whose political life is all about power grabs.

That it would elevate special interests above the public interest should come as no surprise to anyone who has been following the governor’s career. Despite the conventional portrayal of Schwarzenegger as a “moderate Republican,” his administration has consistently favored the privileged classes over the general public, the special interests over the public interest, big corporations over consumers. Hence his repeated attempts to cut funding for the neediest members of society while catering to car dealers and the prison lobby.

This plan bodes ill for all Californians, especially those of us who don’t have any special economic or political clout. Unfortunately, many people remain dazzled by Schwarzenegger’s celebrity status and can’t see that he’s nothing but a power-hungry demagogue.

J.G. Berinstein

