
The Violence Ahead of the Iraqi Elections

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Re “Scowcroft Skeptical on Iraq Vote,” Jan. 7: While we are reminded daily that the upcoming elections in Iraq are crucial, insurgents seem to be able to move freely throughout the capital and have increased their attacks. We are told to expect more attacks and that the enemy is resourceful and smart, changing tactics to meet new realities on the ground.

I have no military training, so could someone explain to me why more troops would not help quell the violence, assist the Iraqis and respond more effectively to intelligence? Is the resistance to more troops a military decision or a political one, like the decision to delay the “liberation” of Fallouja until after the November election?

Howard S. Blum

Thousand Oaks


Regarding elections in Iraq, President Bush told White House reporters on Friday: “I know it’s hard. But it’s hard for a reason. And the reason it’s hard is because there are a handful of folks who fear freedom.”


“A handful of folks who fear freedom.” There you are, as simple and uncomplicated as anyone can assess the situation in Iraq, from our president. Heaven help us. No wonder things are going downhill in Iraq.

Rogelio Pena

