
Judging the New Palestinian Leader

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Max Boot’s Jan. 13 commentary, “Don’t Fall in Love With Abbas Yet,” is full of propaganda and distorted facts.

He calls the Palestinians under occupation in Gaza terrorists and justifies the brutal actions of Israeli Defense Forces (“occupation forces” is more accurate) when he says, “IDF kills them with bombs and missiles.”

He calls the wall of shame that Israel built to segregate Israelis from the Palestinians a “security barrier” (apartheid is more appropriate). Boot apparently wants Israel to have a “pure” race undefiled by returning Palestinians.


Boot observes, “Life in Israel has returned to normal.” I wish the Palestinians could say the same. The Israeli boots are still stomping all over the West Bank and Gaza.

Edward Tawil

Costa Mesa


It’s quite heartening to read a column by a Times contributor in which Israel is given fair treatment in its war against Arab terrorism. Boot sets the record straight by questioning Mahmoud Abbas’ credentials as a “moderate and pragmatist,” as many commentators have referred to him.

He properly points out Abbas’ reference to Israel as the “Zionist enemy” and his embracing top terrorists. This brings to mind Abbas’ being hoisted on the shoulders of Hamas supporters following his election victory.


Boot also properly emphasizes the mischaracterization of the barrier separating Israel from the territories. Though Israel detractors refer to it as “the wall,” it is in fact mostly a fence with only about 5% being an actual wall.

Are those detractors aware the United States has a partial wall between it and Mexico? Do they object to that?

Joseph M. Ellis

Woodland Hills
