
Story on Street Project Had Several Holes

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The article on the Los Angeles Department of Public Works’ $68.5-million Santa Monica Boulevard Transit Parkway project (“A Big Bump in the Road for Businesses,” March 16) clearly mischaracterizes the situation and misleads readers.

The article misinforms the public about the project and some of its effects by primarily focusing on a few shop owners. Not mentioned in your article are the many shop owners who continue to thrive during construction and work closely with our staff to mitigate problems.

Furthermore, you fail to mention that most of the shop owners included in your article have rejected our help, and, in some ways, may be contributing to their difficulties.


We realize that trying to maintain a successful business while living through a major construction project is never easy.

Yes, there will be bumps in the road and we are not insensitive to them; we are trying our best to overcome all obstacles.

Instead of highlighting what the city hasn’t done for a few, what about reporting on what we have done and are attempting to do for the public at large?


Ronald Low


Board of Public Works

Los Angeles
