
Mayoral Election: Pro, Anti and Ambivalent


Re “Villaraigosa to Face Probe of Donations,” April 30: With two weeks until the mayoral election, Mayor James Hahn’s opponent will be investigated at the eleventh hour, for a matter he’s taken care of by returning funds. However, the incident does remind us that two major investigations are well underway for Hahn. How are those probes coming along and how much money was involved in these two criminal investigations?

Jerold Drucker



Villaraigosa for Mayor, beat back special interests, get rid of Hahn sounds a lot like Schwarzenegger for governor, beat back special interests, get rid of Gray Davis. Ahem, with Schwarzenegger approval poll numbers now at 45% because the people found out where his special interests really are, why would the voters trust someone who touts the same line? In retrospect, former Gov. Davis wasn’t too bad, and Hahn isn’t either. He’s consistent and trustworthy, he makes the hard choices and L.A. benefits. The best police chief in the nation is a great example. Hahn always has been “pro bono publico.”

Phil Wilt

Van Nuys


Thirty years ago, the Sam Yorty mayoral campaign posted billboards with a photo of then-Councilman Tom Bradley between those of Black Panthers Stokely Carmichael and H. Rap Brown. The implications were as obvious as they were erroneous. Now Hahn is using similar tactics to frighten the electorate into believing that Antonio Villaraigosa is a wild-eyed extremist. L.A. voters know better. We’ve had the opportunity to watch Villaraigosa at work as he seeks measured and reasonable solutions for the city’s problems.


Valerie Fields

Los Angeles


Re Sen. John Kerry’s endorsement of Villaraigosa, May 1: Thank you, John Kerry, for making up my mind on the mayoral election. I’m voting for James Hahn.

John Amato

Sherman Oaks


Re “ ‘Miami Vice’ Meets ‘Dumb and Dumber,’ ” column, April 29: That does it! Steve Lopez has pushed me over the edge on politics and elections. I haven’t missed a major election (this is a major election?) since I voted for FDR. I cannot bring myself to once more make a choice between Tweedledum and Tweedledee. I won’t vote for either of these self-serving politicians (I am a lifelong Democrat). I’m joining the large silent majority of eligible voters to stay away from the polls. I say my vote doesn’t matter because it doesn’t matter which of these two wins office.

Herbert Jensen

