
The Happiest Memories on Earth


Re “A 1960s Man-Cub Wises Up,” May 13: What a nice surprise to read the Column One remembrances of Joel Sappell on his experiences as Mowgli at Disneyland in the late 1960s and early ‘70s. I too was a Disney character in those years. I was an old guy (at 27) compared with the others in the character department.

I worked for two summers for Disney, but my role for one entire summer was as Mickey Mouse as a stand-in at Main Gate and around the park for the original Mickey, Paul Castle. Leading noon parades down Main Street, mingling with crowds of children from all over the world in Town Square and waving to thousands of people lining the street during the evening parades are memories I will always cherish. As all of us in the character department were versatile in our talents, I spent many days in costume as Pinocchio, one of the Seven Dwarfs, and even, for one evening parade, the lovely Minnie Mouse.

Like Sappell, I had my share of mishaps, among them an embarrassing fall similar to his during an evening parade as Jacques, one of the Cinderella mice. It was, I think, my first night in the parade, and as I rounded a corner on Main Street to go out the gate, my floppy shoe caught in the trolley track and down I went, face first, onto the street.


My days at Disneyland were terminated, however, when I had to leave before the summer season was over to return to my teaching job in Riverside County, and I was notified that I would not be asked back because I was leaving early. No matter. I had the experience of working as a character at the Magic Kingdom, and to this day I still tell stories about my days at Disneyland.

Jim Davis

Rancho Cucamonga
