
The Benefits of a Bus


I related to Joe Honig’s essay on riding the bus (“Through My Window,” Oct. 23). I have been riding the bus from Laguna Beach to work in Newport Beach for 12 years. The benefits are numerous. Aside from the low cost and carefree trip, you really do meet the best people. Several people I’ve met on the bus have become my close friends. We socialize regularly and even do Christmas together. I would not have had the pleasure of meeting them if we didn’t take the bus.

Terry Halpern

Laguna Beach


Since my husband and I returned to Los Angeles after more than 15 years in the New York area, I’ve used as much of L.A.’s public transportation as possible. The bus and the Metro systems carry a broad range of the working population of Los Angeles, and I feel “connected” to the mosaic of the city when I ride. Sitting alone in a metal box on a roadway just doesn’t give me the same feeling.

Joan M. Arias

Hermosa Beach


Scheduled for jury duty last month, I had the option of driving into downtown Los Angeles or walking a short distance from my home to the bus that would take me to within two blocks of the U.S. District Court. I selected what seemed to be the most sensible choice. My question after I boarded the bus at 7 a.m. was, “Where are the office workers?” None were on my bus.


Karen Suarez

Eagle Rock
