
The guys calling the shots in Iraq


Amazing to read the fatuous optimism of the Army leadership regarding the Iraq debacle (Oct. 3). Gen. John P. Abizaid even claims that his commanders are “confident that they’re moving in a good direction.” Really? What direction is that? Occupying Iraq in perpetuity? Driving the U.S. into bankruptcy? The Bush administration has failed to identify any concrete goals for its invasion; how can the military claim to know what it’s trying to do when its commander in chief has no idea? Our brave soldiers have been sent to die for a lost cause. The ones who are still alive deserve far better leadership than they’re getting.


San Diego



Given the assurances of Gens. Abizaid and George Casey that we’re making steady progress in Iraq, and it’s just a question of time until we win, couldn’t the Bush posse simply declare victory and get out of Dodge?




So now it’s American generals beginning to recognize, along with the vast majority of the public, that we should get our troops out of Iraq (Oct. 1). What’s that I hear? Can it be the Karl Rove attack pack starting to bay with accusations such as wild-eyed liberal, radical left and cowards that are now all too common? Or will the generals just quietly be removed? Stay tuned.


Santa Barbara
