
Bad reviews for Schwarzenegger


Re “Schwarzenegger Tries New Tactic: Tact,” column, Oct. 17

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s new tactic is his same old tactic: arrogant hypocrisy! He attacks labor because labor has influence with Democrats. Labor represents working people, and working women in government will be most penalized by passing propositions 74, 75 and 76, because they make up the majority of public employees.

Condemning Democrats for respecting labor is his attempt to cover up his own obedience to corporate donors that give to Arnold many times the amount labor gives to Democrats. Arnold does not make a move without approval from his corporate cronies.





Re “Gov. Spurns Bush in Spat Over Money,” Oct. 20

Schwarzenegger “borrowed” $2 billion from school funds, promising to pay it back in a timely manner, but he refuses to do so. President Bush comes to California to raise $1 million for the GOP, and Schwarzenegger complains and is miffed.

What goes around comes around. Now our governor knows how it feels to be treated in a callous, unconcerned way by one you trusted.


Los Angeles
