
Firefighters Near Containment of Temecula-Area Blaze

From a Times Staff Writer

All lanes of Interstate 15 reopened by midday Sunday as firefighters fought to quench the remaining 5% of a brush fire that had enveloped more than 150 acres south of Temecula since Friday.

The blaze caused traffic delays throughout the holiday weekend on the artery that serves San Diego and the inland cities east of Los Angeles and on to Las Vegas. Only the shoulder of the southbound lane remained closed to motorists early Sunday evening to give firefighting vehicles access to the hillside.

By 8 p.m. Sunday, Riverside fire officials said about 95% of the fire was out.

The fire, fanned by the hot, dry weather, began in steep, rough terrain adjacent to the freeway in Temecula in Riverside County. About 400 firefighters -- aided by helicopters and airplanes -- fought the blazeSix firefighters suffered minor injuries. No homes were threatened.
