
Bridge gives boost to intercity travel

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July 6, 1937: Five hundred people gathered on the North Figueroa Street viaduct to celebrate the new concrete span across the Los Angeles River -- a construction project that had cost $650,000.

“Los Angeles acquired some closer neighbors yesterday. The opening of the gigantic new bridge across the Los Angeles River, San Fernando Road and the railroad tracks from the Figueroa Street tunnel brought about an eagerly awaited unity,” The Times said in an editorial the next day.

“South Pasadena, Pasadena, San Marino and all the other communities in the north and northeast area were drawn in closer to the heart of the metropolis by the time-saving viaduct.”


The Times spoke with great optimism about what such easier access would mean:

“Every link that is finished will make Los Angeles and its neighbors out that way more accessible to each other. All will benefit.”
