
Electric bikes add zip to commuting option


Re “The Cycling Commute” [May 22]: I am somewhat dismayed that the electric bicycle option was never mentioned. As a sixtysomething cyclist and the owner of two conventional bikes and two electric cycles, I really have come to a belief that electric cycling is a time that has come.

If it hurts to ride, the power assist can help. If you need a little help on hills, if you don’t want to arrive sweaty or if you just want to pump one way and coast the other, the electric cycle is part of the solution, not part of the problem.


Long Beach



Your article took me back to 1974 when, as a 50-year-old, I decided to change my life. I quit smoking and drinking, became vegetarian, and bought a bicycle. The latter became my joy in life and within weeks of acquiring it, I began to put on miles. Before too long, I decided to start riding it the 10 miles to work, an arduous route that included a couple of horrendous hills. One was so steep and long that even after a couple of years I had to stand up and pump all the way up. In addition to the 20 miles I rode to work each day, I would ride another 75 or so on weekends.

I continued riding until five or so years ago when I worried that my balance was becoming precarious and sold the bike. I still walk about a mile every day and work out at the gym, however. And I now weigh 129 pounds. At age 82, I attribute my relative well-being to the bike.


San Diego
