
GOP Leaders Urge Gallegly to Run for Reelection

From the Associated Press

Fellow California Republicans told Rep. Elton Gallegly on Tuesday that they will support him if he withdraws his retirement announcement and seeks reelection, but the 10-term congressman from Simi Valley did not immediately make a decision.

Gallegly announced Friday, which was the deadline to file for election, that he would not run again, citing unspecified health reasons. Because he had filed candidacy papers, however, he cannot remove his name from the June primary ballot. At the same time, his eleventh-hour announcement came so late that many others had no time to file candidacy papers for the 24th District, which covers most of Ventura County and parts of Santa Barbara County.

“Everyone urged Elton to run again after hearing how this scenario played out,” Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Vista) said after the meeting, which took place in the office of Rep. David Dreier (R-San Dimas). “There was broad support for Elton in that we would come to his district, do whatever we needed to do to give him that extra burst of support.”


The meeting ended without resolution, and Gallegly left without speaking to reporters. His spokesman said the congressman needed time to think about the matter and would have no immediate public statement.
